Where to go for the New Year 2022: choosing a meeting place for the Year of the Tigerр

Probably, everyone knows the ancient belief that as soon as you meet the New Year, you will spend it. Therefore, if you want to spend a year in travel, bright memories and acquaintances, then you can safely look for favorable offers on the place of its celebration. After all, traveling in Ukraine or another country, you give yourself the opportunity to expand your horizons of thoughts, impressions, knowledge, experience and communication. And the latter is very important, because simple communication can grow into friendship, friendship, romantic relationships or love. Of course, you can celebrate the New Year anywhere and with anyone: by yourself, with loved ones or family. It is important to spend it in joy and a great mood, so choose a place of rest now.
And thanks to the agency “Turcloud” you can choose favorable offers – in the cities of Ukraine, including Transcarpathia or the Carpathians, you can choose a vacation near the river or near the mountains. But in addition to this, there are other destinations for meeting the New Year: Lviv, Suskovo, or you can go to Montenegro and enjoy the holidays there. Celebrating the coming of the New Year away from home, you can have a lot of fun and wonderful memories.
Choosing a New Year’s holiday through Turkcloud, you are given a unique opportunity to independently choose a place, hotel and connect the desired services, including a transfer. And thanks to the fact that you shape your vacation yourself, you also save a lot of money than if you ordered a tour through any other travel agency.
Well, now – about possible places of rest in the New Year 2022…
Let’s welcome the New Year 2022 far from home

New Year in Transcarpathia
For those wishing to celebrate the New Year with a large group of friends, Transcarpathia is perfect. After all, large companies of people are welcome here. There is also an opportunity to listen to the whispers of a waterfall that does not freeze, you can also touch the mysterious Synevir Lake, see rivers, mountains, visit the Transcarpathian vats and see how the residents celebrate this beautiful holiday. All this can be felt and seen by welcoming the New Year in Transcarpathia. Plus, in addition to the noisy holiday, there is an opportunity to taste local cuisine and drinks that can make you drunk. You will remember the New Year in Transcarpathia for its uniqueness and colorfulness.
New Year in the Carpathians
This vacation spot is more suitable for lovers of mountains and skiing, as well as for connoisseurs of insanely delicious cuisine and Hutsul hospitality.
Welcome to the Ukrainian Carpathians!
You can come here to relax not only with friends, but also with your family or a loved one, because the Carpathians on New Year’s Day are a place of miracles and joy! Choosing a holiday in this area, you give yourself the opportunity to immerse yourself in a New Year’s fairy tale, in which there is a lot of snow, fresh air, high mountains and dreamy Christmas trees. Such a location is definitely capable of mesmerizing anyone. By the way, this very place is considered a favorite location for recreation by most Ukrainians, as the nature here is picturesque and unforgettable. Giving priority to the Carpathians in the New Year, you will be able to see how the Carpathians welcome and celebrate the New Year with their traditions and rituals!
New Year in Lviv
Lviv is a fabulous place, especially in winter. You will definitely like the beautiful architecture of the city and the large fair in the center of the old city. In fact, it is not just a city with beautiful architecture, it is a city-legend, a city-tale, a city in which it seems that miracles are possible. Residents of this city can celebrate the New Year with songs, dances and interesting toasts. Meeting the New Year in the city of Leo, you give the opportunity to breathe in the smell of fairy tales and miracles that haunts everywhere. Allow yourself to immerse yourself in a New Year’s fairy tale-dream in the very heart of ancient Lviv and touch its secrets on New Year’s journeys with the aroma of Lviv coffee and chocolate.
New Year in Montenegro
As you know, Montenegro is a Balkan country that has its own flavor and not quite winter weather. In fact, the inhabitants of this country are happy to celebrate any holidays, especially the New Year. It is celebrated here on a grand scale – a large selection of treats on the tables, a lot of champagne and tinctures. After all, before this holiday in Montenegro, it is customary to gather a Christmas tree — a young oak tree — in a friendly manner. On a fairy-tale night here, it is customary to have dinner with the family or to arrange a large and noisy party with friends – here it is as everyone wants. It is also customary for Montenegrins to first gather at the festive table, and at midnight to go for a walk and greet neighbors and random passers-by. By the way, the president does not address the people on TV, because it is not customary to watch TV here on New Year’s Day. As for the New Year’s table, in Montenegro you can find a lot of dishes on the table, except for chicken dishes, since this is considered a bad omen in this Balkan country. She says: if the chicken is on the table, happiness will surely fly away from the house. It is also worth considering that January 2 is the time of “chicken Christmas”. On this day, those who raise chickens feed them the best, raise a toast to their health and in no case eat them.
But as for New Year’s Eve, everyone here is happy to tell fortunes. Moreover, fortune-telling is not only for young brides-to-be, but also for everyone: everyone is wondering who the New Year will bring success, joy, prosperity, and who will find new love. In Montenegro, there is one of the most popular fortune-telling, which is loved by everyone – pumpkin fortune-telling: the first guest who entered the house must break the pumpkin against the threshold. If there are many seeds in it and they are scattered all over the house, it means that the whole next year the family will live in abundance.

Welcome the new year where your heart desires and your budget allows
Yes Yes! Everything is exactly like that. Of course, you should rely only on your wishes regarding the place of New Year’s meeting. After all, 2022 is the year of the Tiger, and therefore it is desirable to welcome the year brightly, beautifully and outside the home. But if you want to go somewhere on your own, and the budget is limited, TourCloud is at your service. After all, thanks to our service, you can easily plan your vacation yourself, choosing hotels and additional services. Since we cooperate directly with hotels, you book your room directly at the selected hotel, you can add various services, from transfer to the hotel, massage, dinner to manicure, etc. Most importantly, choose what you want, book and enjoy your holiday, and don’t forget to relax and get the most out of your stay.
With love and best wishes, TourCloud!